I've had an off of love affair with wargaming over the past 18 years since I was just eleven. I remember sitting on my friends door step on a Saturday morning reading through old issues of White Dwarf, playing small games of 40k with models from the second edition boxed set.
A couple years later I would play Necromunda with my Cawdor gangers with a small group of friends.
For a while I didn't play at all but would get the odd box of miniatures which would invariably end up half built, half painted and put away in a cupboard, only to be founds months of years later.
After a number of years of not playing or painting I got watching some YouTube videos about the hobby. Notably those put out by MiniWarGaming, BlueTable Painting and WarbossTae got my interested in the hobby again and I slowly started to plan to get back into at least painting up a few models to keep me entertained.
May this year my then fiancée bought me some savage orcs, which again were half built, not painted and in need of a little love. During the course of July I dipped in and out of watching people efforts in the July WarBossTae Painting Challenge. I was amazed at the commitment of people. Sadly, July was an awful month for me to get my teeth into my own project as I was packing up and moving house.
With a new job started in August I decided to make a commitment to myself to get my savage orcs built and painted. My boars were done before this blog came into being so I don't have any progress pictures for them but I will be posting up a few pics of my boyz and boar boyz as they began to take shape.
Comments, criticisms and suggestions are always welcome
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