Sunday, 29 September 2013

Assemble the Waaagh!

So... whilst I continue to wait for my order to arrive I cant help but put together what remains of my horde.

Minus three killa kans which are part assembled until i choose how to pose them, here it all is in all its plastic grey glory.  The first 500 points is on the right with everything else on the left.

2 Warbosses
5 Nobz
36 Boys
10 Gretchin and a Runtherd
5 Lootas
3 Trukks
3 Warbikes
1 Battlewagon
10 Deffkoptas
3 Killa Kans

Who could say no?!

Cant wait to get my teeth into them. Come on Wayland Games!!!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Built and ready to go

So having decided what the first 500 points was going to be a decided to make a start on building them all up this weekend. Fortunately I had already done the trukks as these took me a far bit of time to do.  Sadly these guys now sit twiddling their thumbs whilst I wait for waylandgames to deliver my primer.

Sadder still are all these poor guys who are built and waiting for the first batch to be finished off.

At a hiatus I decided to think about my colour pallete for my DeathSkullz. I've decided to go for a couple different blue tones, red for lenses/cables, leathery brown for straps etc, khaki and greys for cloth, and silver and brass metallics. Hopefully keeping to a small number of colours will simplify the painting process and allow to keep these guys fairly uniform looking... For orks, of course.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Stage One of DeathSkullz Project

So this morning my postman kindly delivered the remnants of my ebay purchases. Which has kept me busy, and somewhat overwhelmed by a vast number of models.

Having read a bit of forum material and watched a couple vids on building an army I have decided to try to tackle this project as systematically as possible.  In the first instance I am hoping to build and paint up 500 points of my army so I can at least take a small painted force along to my local gamestore to start playing. Having not played ANY proper games of 6th edition 40k I thought the would be a good place to start.

With a need to a HQ and two troops choices minimum I have elected to go for the following in the first instance.

Warboss - power klaw, cybork body, eavy armour, boss pole

11 slugga boyz in a trukk inc nob with boss pole and power klaw, trukk has reinforced ram

11 slugga boyz in a trukk inc nob with boss pole and power klaw, trukk has reinforced ram

(Nobz may have eavy armour - cant remember off the top of my head)

Deffkopta with twin linked rokkit launcher

Deffkopta with twin linked rokkit launcher

Total points = 497

By my reckoning this should give me a nice quick, manoeuvrable force with a limited number of troop types for me to have to remember rules.

It also gives me a nice mix of vehicles and troops to paint up so I don't get too bored of painting one single model type

I'm hoping to get this done over the next month or so, depending on how busy work is. Fingers crossed

Win an Army!

Morning everyone.

Over the last couple weeks I've been following the work of several people in the YouTube community as they put together their contributions for a 40k Salamanders army which is going to be raffled off to raise money for Help for Heroes, a charity to support British military men and women wounded during conflict.

It's a really worthwhile charity and the efforts put in to provide miniatures for this project is second to none. If you have a few pounds to give please go to the page and donate - who knows, you may end up with a new army for your generosity.

Donation page:

IDICBeer's page:

Thanks for taking a look

Friday, 20 September 2013

Thanks for Viewing

Hi everyone. In the last 24 hours, and more specifically since I posted last night, I've had a spike in the number of people coming to have a look at my blog.  Thank you to those of you who have shown an interest - hopefully this doesn't represent too many of you getting lost. Lots of views from the States. I'd be really interested to hear where you are watching from.

Please leave a comment here or on my YouTube page discussion board (dornsapothecary).

Keep tuning in. I will keep trying to update on a regular basis. Take care

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Here come Da Boyz

As part of my next project I've started putting together my Orks for my DeathSkullz army.

So far I've built up...

A warboss
Mob of boyz
Gretchin with runtherd

Still to make up...

20 more boyz
2 deffkoptas
A trukk

In the post are...

A second warboss
10 boyz
2 trukks
A battlewagon
9 more deffkoptas

Bring on the green tide!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Footslogging Savage Orcs

I'm so happy. I have finally finished my Savage Orcs with extra hand weapons. It's taken an awfully long time from start to finish - my birthday is in May, which is when my wife bought me these miniatures.

I have to say, I'm not going to be winning a Slayer Sword anytime soon but I am really pleased with how these guys and my Boar Boyz turned out. And hey, I do this because I enjoy it and it allows me to just chill out and take my mind off of work or anything else which has been on my mind each day.

So this this done, I find myself twiddling my thumbs for... Seconds! Now I'm moving onto my next project. Here's a clue

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Boar Boyz are done!!

After a last final slog and lots of YouTube videos running in the background.

Here's the end results. Taken with a camera phone so not the best quality pictures but I hope you enjoy

C&C all welcome