Saturday, 21 September 2013

Stage One of DeathSkullz Project

So this morning my postman kindly delivered the remnants of my ebay purchases. Which has kept me busy, and somewhat overwhelmed by a vast number of models.

Having read a bit of forum material and watched a couple vids on building an army I have decided to try to tackle this project as systematically as possible.  In the first instance I am hoping to build and paint up 500 points of my army so I can at least take a small painted force along to my local gamestore to start playing. Having not played ANY proper games of 6th edition 40k I thought the would be a good place to start.

With a need to a HQ and two troops choices minimum I have elected to go for the following in the first instance.

Warboss - power klaw, cybork body, eavy armour, boss pole

11 slugga boyz in a trukk inc nob with boss pole and power klaw, trukk has reinforced ram

11 slugga boyz in a trukk inc nob with boss pole and power klaw, trukk has reinforced ram

(Nobz may have eavy armour - cant remember off the top of my head)

Deffkopta with twin linked rokkit launcher

Deffkopta with twin linked rokkit launcher

Total points = 497

By my reckoning this should give me a nice quick, manoeuvrable force with a limited number of troop types for me to have to remember rules.

It also gives me a nice mix of vehicles and troops to paint up so I don't get too bored of painting one single model type

I'm hoping to get this done over the next month or so, depending on how busy work is. Fingers crossed

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