Sunday, 22 September 2013

Built and ready to go

So having decided what the first 500 points was going to be a decided to make a start on building them all up this weekend. Fortunately I had already done the trukks as these took me a far bit of time to do.  Sadly these guys now sit twiddling their thumbs whilst I wait for waylandgames to deliver my primer.

Sadder still are all these poor guys who are built and waiting for the first batch to be finished off.

At a hiatus I decided to think about my colour pallete for my DeathSkullz. I've decided to go for a couple different blue tones, red for lenses/cables, leathery brown for straps etc, khaki and greys for cloth, and silver and brass metallics. Hopefully keeping to a small number of colours will simplify the painting process and allow to keep these guys fairly uniform looking... For orks, of course.

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